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Parent Scripts

An Example Parent Script

Going to your child's bedside with a hall light on (quickly locate your child's phone and remove it from the area if you haven't already).

While stirring and moving around in their room, you will tell them: "you need them to wake up to talk about something."

Once your child is awake, you will reassure them:

"(Child's name), can you please wake up. We need to talk about something. There are people here. Everything is okay, but I need you to wake up so we can talk."

At this point, you will turn on the bedroom lights and ask our staff to come in. Introducing them: "This is (Insert Interventionists) names_____ and _____. We have asked _____ and _____ to be here today to help see you on to a program we have chosen for you. (please make sure to use Interventionists' names to show familiarity) This program will be a great opportunity, and we believe it will be a positive experience. ______ and _ _ ______ are good people, you will be in good hands, and they will tell you all about it. We know at this point we need more support than what we can offer at home. They will explain everything, and I know that you will be in great hands."

Pacing your conversation will be necessary. Some children are in a deep sleep, so that is okay if you have to repeat yourself. Allow time for your child to digest, and speed up as needed if you see they are getting agitated.

This should be tailored to your language. The main points are:

- Staff names, using their names often.

- The agents are reasonable people and here to help.

- The program will be a positive thing for ((insert your child)) and is not a punishment

- ((insert child's name)) is loved, safe, and in good hands.

**AVOID THE BLAME GAME** during dialogue. Do not reprimand them for their "wrongdoings" (i.e., skipping school, dropping out of school, coming home late, low grades, drug use). This will instantly put your child in the 'fight or flight mode' or on the 'defense.'

**INSTEAD** use the 'we form' while talking to your child: (ie. "Our" family needs help, "our" family needs to change its communication styles… "we, each one of us, wants respect in our family, and we need to find new ways to make that happen…. "each of us" wants to be understood and to be heard….) "We are trying to make changes so that our family can be stronger and rebuild our trust with each other….)

This will help your child know that your together 'family effort' needs to happen and help your child feel more like it is an opportunity for positive change for everyone in your family unit. See how they do from there. If you see that child escalating, negotiating, or becoming emotional, that would be a great time to offer further love and encouragement and leave the room. Ending with: "We know you will do great. We love you. We will be in touch soon." (*VERY IMPORTANT THAT THEY HEAR and TELL THEM that "YOU LOVE THEM," Interventionists will call upon this memory throughout their travel if your child starts to escalate or have heightened emotions at any point in the day)

You will want to leave the room, and even the house, depending on your comfort level. We will be telling your child that you have left the house. This is a way to prevent your child from getting stuck. they only want to speak with you and relay that this decision has been made and isn't open for further discussion. **If a parent chooses to stay home, be mindful that they will hear things calm down upon leaving the room and make the mistake of coming back in for a kiss or hug if leaving the room felt too abrupt. This will often re-escalate the situation. Please be aware that once you leave the room, you will want to allow the Team a clear path to the door with your child WITHOUT you being visually present in the room or "popping back into" the room or house after initially leaving.

If your child does well and takes the news in stride, feel free to stay present, but do make your way out of the room/house before our Team and your child leave. We need to focus on your child and their behaviors and mannerisms at the time. We are trying to keep distractions limited. There is room for a hug and kiss if all goes well as they head out the door.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you need anything else.

All the best,

Right Direction Crisis Intervention Management and Team